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From Bob and Charity Farrar, Director of Life Choices Medical Clinic in San Antonio, TX
From Pastor Keely Petty of Bethel International Christian Fellowship
If you haven’t had the chance to see “Scarlett” yet, you won’t want to miss the last showings tonight in San Antonio.
Film Review: Scarlett (Theatrical Release)
Scarlett follows the story of Chase and the people whose lives intertwine with his.
Chase is a young man who is thankful for a chance to live after he was given up by his biological mother. He is determined to help as many people as…
KEEP READINGDr. Alveda King has been working as an advocate for the unborn for many years. She is currently serving as a Pastoral Associate for “Priests for Life” and as Director of “Civil Rights for the Unborn”.
Check out her reaction to the movie, Scarlett.